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HANDS strives to spread awareness about Autism, disabilities, and other special needs by providing a supportive space for Hmong and Wisconsin families who need extra help through education, group support, and grants.

Mission Statement

Our organization hopes to spread awareness about Autism and other

disabilities within the Hmong and Wisconsin communities by offering a safe

space for these families to support each other. We will be holding special

events such as Mom Time for mothers to have respite care, community

parties to engage families, and offer help upon initial diagnoses as the

process can be quite daunting. Most importantly, we offer grants to alleviate

the costs of having children with Autism or other disabilities, as they incur

costs other families do not see. 


We are currently the only organization that caters to Hmong families

regarding these disabilities in the area. We do not discriminate against

others and everyone is welcome to attend, but target Hmong families

because we have found that they tend to not access organizations that offer

the same services due to cultural or language barriers. There is a stigma in

the Hmong community when it comes to these issues as we as a people

have not historically addressed them. We want to change this by confronting

it head-on and become a resource for the community. In extending our

hand, we hope the community will grow stronger and build deeper ties within

our own groups of individuals, non-profits, and businesses.


Support Our Cause

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